Limpopo Tourist Attractions and Things To Do
Limpopo is South Africa's northernmost province, and borders onto Mozambique,
Zimbabwe and Botswana, making it the ideal entrance
into Africa. Limpopo was named after the great Limpopo River that
flows along its northern border.
Limpopo is rich in wildlife, spectacular scenery and has a wealth of historical and cultural treasures. When visiting Limpopo, you are following the footsteps of the Voortrekkers. The Great North Road from Pretoria was first carved by the creaking wheels of ox wagons.
Known as the Great North, the Limpopo province is truly the land of legends. The ancient forests are abundant in Ruins and Relics, sparking trout waters, waterfalls and hot mineral springs. Limpopo offers the true enjoyment of untamed Africa.
Limpopo is home to several ancient lands and pre-historic secrets, including Modjadji, the fabled Rain Queen, Stone Age and Iron Age relics of the Makapansgat Valley, and the treasures of Mapungubwe, dating back to time long, long ago.